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CFE Forum 2016 Rebuilding international taxation: How to square the circle?

11 februari 2016

The 2016 Forum of the Confédération Fiscale Européenne (CFE) on:

“Rebuilding international taxation: How to square the circle?”

will take place on Thursday 21 April 2016 from 9:00 hrs to 16:30 hrs at the Representation of North Rhine-Westphalia to the European Union, rue Montoyer 47, 1000 Brussels.

The finalisation of the BEPS project has provided governments with materials, tools and blueprints for reapplying the basic principles of international taxation like economic substance, permanent establishment and value creation.
Yet it is far from clear how this large-scale project should be implemented: how to shape the new provisions so that they are fit for purpose? How can the implementation effort be coordinated internationally and achieve its political objectives? And how can one assure that the reconstruction does not lose sight of the taxpayers who are going to be subject to this new regime.

More information and registration form are available on www.cfe-eutax.org.