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CFE Forum 2017 in Brussels: “Do you have a taxable presence in a country? - The new reality Permanent and Fixed (VAT) Establishments in the post BEPS world”

30 maart 2017

will be held in Brussels on Thursday 30 March 2017 from 9.00 h - 16.30 h at the Representation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia to the EU, rue Montoyer 47, B-1000 Brussels

More information on subject and speakers you will find in the attached programme and introductory text.

We would kindly ask you to support us in promoting the CFE Forum 2017 by posting the conference details on your website, by circulating the invitation to the members of your Organisation and/or by mentioning the Forum conference in your publications.

The following LINK leads you to all relevant information such as invitation, programme, registration form and hotel reservation sheets.

Furthermore we would appreciate if you might consider inviting “national stakeholders” from your professional networks (local authorities, public administration, Universities, business partners etc) to whom the debates of the CFE Forum 2017 might be of particular relevance.

We thank you very much in advance for your kind collaboration and look forward to welcoming you and your “special guests” to the CFE Forum in Brussels.